The Running Grave Characters

The cast of characters in The Running Grave, the seventh novel in the Strike & Ellacott series.

Recurring Characters

Amelia Crichton – Charlotte’s sister.

Charlotte Campbell – Strike’s ex-girlfriend of 16 years, “on-and-off”.

Cormoran Strike – You know who he is.

Dev Shah – One of Strike and Robin’s subcontractors.

Eric Wardle – Strike’s Met police contact and friend.

Ilsa Herbert – Strike and Robin’s friend.

Jack – Strike’s favourite nephew.

Joan Nancarrow – Strike’s late aunt from St Mawes, Cornwall.

Jonny Rokeby – Strike’s biological father.

Leda Strike – Cormoran and Lucy’s late supergroupie mother.

Linda Ellacott – Robin’s mother.

Lucy – Strike’s half-sister.

Michael Ellacott – Robin’s father.

Michelle “Midge” Greenstreet – One of Strike and Robin’s subcontractors.

Mitch Patterson – Of Patterson Inc., one of Strike and Robin’s rival detective agencies.

Nick Herbert – Strike and Robin’s friend.

Pat Chauncey – Strike and Robin’s office manager.

Prudence DonLeavy – One of Strike’s half sisters.

Robin Ellacott – You know who she is.

Ryan Murphy – Robin’s boyfriend.

Sam Barclay – One of Strike and Robin’s subconstractors.

Shanker – Strike’s old friend and useful contact.

Ted Nancarrow – Stirke and Lucy’s uncle who lives in Cornwall.

New Characters

Abigail Glover – Daughter of the UHC leader, Jonathan Wace.

Alexander Graves – Deceased UHC member. The Stolen Prophet.

Dr Andy Zhou – Principle of the UHC and a famous doctor.

Barbara Graves – Mother of Alexander ‘Allie’ Graves.

Barry ‘Baz’ Saxon – Knows Abigail Glover and friend of her lodger Patrick.

Becca Pirbright – High-level UHC member. Daughter of Louise and sister of Kevin and Emily.

Belinda ‘Bijou’ Watkins – Colleague of Ilsa Herbert who Strike meets at his godson’s christening.

Bigfoot – One of the agency’s surveillance targets.

Cherie Gittins – Ex-UHC member who took Daiyu Wace to the beach.

Clive Littlejohn – The detective agency’s newest subcontractor who is suspiciously quiet.

Sir Colin Edensor – Strike and Robin’s client. Father of UHC member Will Edensor.

Daiyu Wace – Daughter of Mazu Wace who drowned off Cromer beach while swimming with Cherie Gittins. The Drowned Prophet.

Dennis Chauncey – Pat’s husband.

Deidre Doherty – Ex-UHC member who was expelled and never seen again.

Edward Edensor – Son of Sir Colin Edensor and brother of Will and James.

Colonel Edward Graves – Father of Alexander Graves, the Stolen Prophet.

Emily Pirbright – UHC member, daughter of Louise and sister of Becca and Kevin.

Fergus Robertson – A journalist who wrote about the UHC and almost lost his job.

Flora Brewster – An ex-UHC member.

The Franks – Suspects in a stalking investigation.

Giles Harmon – A famous author and UHC Principle.

Harold Coates – Doctor at the Aylmerton Community.

Henry Worthington-Fields – Friend of ex-UHC member Flora Brewster.

James Edensor – Son of Sir Colin Edensor and brother of Edward and Will.

Jennifer Wace – Ex-wife of Jonathan Wace who drowned off Cromer beach. Mother of Abigail Glover.

Jiang Wace – Son of Jonathan and Mazu.

Jonathan Wace, aka Papa J – Leader and founder of the Universal Humanitarian Church. Husband of Mazu Wace and father of Abigail Glover, Taio and Jiang.

Jordan Reaney – Ex-UHC member who was seen whipping himself.

Kevin Pirbright – Ex-UHC member who was writing about the cult and was shot and killed.

Lady Sally Edensor – Deceased wife of Strike and Robin’s client, Sir Colin Edensor, and mother of Edward, James and Will.

Lin Doherty – UHC member and daughter of Diedre Doherty, who was raped by Jonathan Wace.

Louise Pirbright – UHC member and mother of Becca, Emily and Kevin.

Margaret Cathcart-Bryce – Deceased UHC member who donated much of her wealth to the cult. The Golden Prophet.

Mazu Wace – Principle of the UHC, wife of Jonathan Wace and mother of Daiyu, Taio and Jiang.

Niamh Doherty – Ex-UHC member and daughter of ex-UHC member Diedre Doherty.

Nicolas Delauney – Husband of Philippa and brother-in-law to the late Alexander Graves.

Noli Seymour – Actress and UHC Principle.

Paul Draper – ‘Dopey Draper’, deceased UHC member, punished after seeing Cherie Gittins leave the farm with Daiyu.

Philippa Delauney (nee Graves) – Sister of deceased UHC member Alexander Graves, the Stolen Prophet.

Qing/Sally – Daughter of Lin and Will.

Rusty Anderson – Lived near the Aylmerton Community. The Wounded Prophet.

Sheila Kennet – Lived at Chapman Farm until the 90s.

Taio Wace – Eldest son of Mazu and Jonathan. UHC Principle.

Tasha Mayo – One of Strike and Robin’s clients who is being stalked by the Frankenstein brothers.

William Edensor – UHC member and son of Sir Colin and Lady Sally Edensor, brother of Edward and James.

Miscellaneous Characters – Minor characters or characters that are only mentioned.