The Silkworm Characters

Here is a list of all the characters that are featured in the second novel in the Strike series, The Silkworm. Click on the characters for more info. Warning: some pages may contain moderate spoilers for The Silkworm and future books in the series.

Al Rokeby – Cormoran Strike’s half-brother.

Aunt Joan – Strike’s aunt, who lives in Cornwall.

Charlotte Campbell – Strike’s ex-fiancé.

Christian Fisher –  A London publisher.

Cormoran Strike – You know who he is.

Daniel Chard – CEO of Roper Chard Publishing.

Dave Polworth – Strike’s oldest friend from Cornwall.

Dominic Culpepper – A journalist for whom Strike does the occasional job.

Edna – The Quines’ neighbour.

Elizabeth “Liz” Tassel Owen Quine’s literary agent.

Ilsa Herbert – Strike’s old friend from Cornwall.

Jago Ross – Charlotte Campbell’s new fiancé.

Jerry Waldegrave – Owen Quine’s editor at Roper Chard publishing.

Joe North – Owen Quine and Michael Fancourt’s late friend.

Jonathan Ellacott – Robin’s youngest brother.

Jonny Rokeby – Strike’s biological father.

Kathryn Kent – Owen Quine’s lover.

Leda Strike – Strike’s late mother.

Leonora Quine – Owen Quine’s wife. Strike’s client.

Linda Ellacott – Robin’s mother.

Lucy Fantoni – Strike’s sister.

Matthew Cunliffe – Robin Ellacott’s fiancé.

Michael Ellacott – Robin’s father.

Michael Fancourt – A famous writer.

Nick Herbert – One of Strike’s oldest friends.

Nina Lascelles – An editor at Roper Chard who helps Strike.

Orlando QuineOwen and Leonora Quine’s daughter.

Owen Quine – The murder victim, who is a famous-ish writer.

Pippa Midgley – One of Owen Quine’s former students and friends.

Richard Anstis – Strike’s friend and former army colleague who works for the Met.

Robin Ellacott – Cormoran Strike’s partner-in-training.

Sarah Shadlock – Matthew Cunliffe’s friend from university.

Tracey – Strike’s ex-girlfriend from the SIB.

Uncle Ted – Strike’s uncle, who lives in Cornwall.

The Cuckoo’s Calling Characters

Career of Evil Characters

Lethal White Characters

Troubled Blood Characters

The Ink Black Heart Characters

The Running Grave Characters