“Strike now pulled his mobile out of his pocket and handed it to Robin. Looking down, she saw the same flattering picture of Jonathan Wace that was on the enormous poster on the side of a building near her flat. It was captioned:
Interested in the Universal Humanitarian Church? Join us at
7pm Friday 12th August
‘Doubt there’ll be anyone at Olympia tonight who’s more interested in the Universal Humanitarian Church than I am,’ said Strike.” (Chapter 109)

The Olympia Exhibition Centre is an event and conference space in Kensington where Jonathan Wace held his UHC SUPERSERVICE!

“In the centre of the floor, beneath a high curved ceiling of white-painted iron and glass, was a shining, black pentagonal stage. Above this were five enormous screens that would doubtless enable even those in the furthest seats to see Jonathan Wace close up. Higher still were five bright blue banners bearing the UHC’s heart-shaped logo.” (Chapter 109)

After suffering through the service, Strike is invited by Wace to meet backstage. An exchange that ends with Strike making a very memorable threat. “I will burn your church to the fucking ground.” (Chapter 112)
On this day, in real life, Olympia was actually host to The Great British Beer Festival which took place from 9th to 13th August 2016.
Olympia is located here: