Brian Tucker

Brian Tucker is the father of Louise Tucker, a young woman who went missing in 1972. Tucker, an elderly man whose nose is described as being “strawberry like, flecked as it was with blackheads,” strongly believes that Dennis Creed is responsible for his daughter’s disappearance and has devoted his life to finding answers.

Robin meets and interviews Brian Tucker at the Star Cafe, where he tells her about Louise and his hopes that they might be able to help.2

“’This has been my whole life. I understand Creed better than any of the morons who’ve written books about him. I’ve studied him. He’s been cut off from any kind of attention for years, now. Your boss is a famous man. Creed’ll want to meet him.’” 3

With an intense desire for justice, Tucker isn’t afraid to make noise to get the attention of the authorities or the media when necessary. His “lifelong quest” eventually led to the end of his marriage and a strain in his relationships with his remaining daughters, causing people like Roy Phipps to call him “half-insane.” 4

Tucker, however,  believes that all the time and milestones he missed in Louise’s life is time that should be devoted to finding justice. 

“—add all that time together,” Tucker croaked, his eyes filmy with tears, “and that’s what I owe her, to find out what happened to her. That’s all I’m doing. Giving her her due.” 5

1-3: Troubled Blood, Chapter 51
4: Troubled Blood, Chapter 36
5: Troubled Blood, Chapter 51