Wong Kei is a popular restaurant in London’s Chinatown that Strike frequents. He meets Spanner here to hand over Lula Landry‘s laptop for some forensic work and is the second time he’s been here in ten days.
Wong Kei is described as a “tall, white-fronted Chinese restaurant …

… with a window view of an arcade center called Play to Win.”

“While Strike ate Singapore noodles one-handed, he examined Lula Landry’s laptop…. The dark pink computer casing was patterned with cherry blossom. It did not occur to Strike that he presented an incongruous appearance to the world as he hunched, large and hairy, over the prettified, pink and palpably feminine device, but the sight had drawn smirks from two of the black-T-shirted waiters.”

Spanner arrives and greets Strike with the nickname “Federico”. He is 10 years younger than Strike, making him around 25. Spanner orders a Wonton soup and proceeds to look at Lula’s laptop and write down instructions from Strike on his phone. Strike tells him to look for any activity leading up to Lula’s death.

Wong Kei is a hopping restaurant well into the night – tasty food and fast, if not super friendly, service. Find it here on Google Maps: