Strike meets with Dev Shah to discuss the Bigfoot case in the Rose and Crown in Chelsea.

He takes the Tube to Sloane Square. On his way up the escalator, he notices that ‘among the small, framed posters on the escalator walls, many of which were advertising West End shows and grooming products’ … several were a ’flattering headshot of ‘Papa J’, the UHC’s heart-shaped logo and the legend “Do you admit the possibility?”’ (chapter 48).

As he leaves the station, he gets a call from Dev to say that he has the photos they need.
‘Five minutes later, Strike entered the Rose and Crown on Lower Sloane Street to find his best-looking subcontractor sitting in a corner with a split lip, a puffy left eye and a swollen nose, a pint on the table in front of him’ (chapter 48).

Strike gets a zero-alcohol beer from the bar for himself, as well as a glass of ice and a clean beer towel. Dev wraps the ice in the towel and uses it as an ice pack on his face.

Strike and Dev discuss the photos Dev has taken for the Bigfoot case, and Strike asks for Dev’s advice as to which social media women in their late thirties would use.

The Rose and Crown is located here: