Ciara Porter is a super model who is a close friend and colleague of Lula Landry. She is described as “alabaster fair, with long baby-blonde hair,” “attenuated and angular, with milk-white skin, hair almost as fair, and pale blue eyes set very wide apart” with “endless legs,” “chrysoberyl eyes and full lips.” She is also described as a “good-time girl” who “likes them big” (as Strike discovers firsthand). However, Ciara is no vacuous beauty — she has a deferred place to study English at Cambridge University but has chosen to pursue her modeling career first.

Ciara’s approach toward Strike seems “frank” and one of “open wonder.” She proves very helpful to Strike in more way than one: giving him further insight into Lula as a person, clearing the way for Strike to interview Evan Duffield and then providing Strike a sorely needed ego boost later in the evening….
In Lethal White, is it mentioned that Ciara Porter had contacted Strike a few weeks after his triumph in catching the Shacklewell Ripper. After his newsworthy achievement, in her mind, Strike had been “elevated from casual shag to possible boyfriend material” (Chapter 24).