Warwick and The Roebuck Inn

“’We’ll get out of here, go froo to Warwick. It’s just up the road.’” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

After meeting Paul Satchwell at the Royal Pump Room in Leamington Spa, he and Robin head to a lunch interview in Warwick.

“They reached Warwick within half an hour and, as Satchwell had promised, found themselves in a town that could hardly have presented a great contrast to the wide, sweeping white-faced crescents of Leamington.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

Some readers have pointed out that it takes less than ten minutes to drive from Leamington Spa to Warwick and not a half an hour. It’s possible that this is a simple error, but best guess is that the half an hour time line also included Robin and Satchwell’s walk to the car.

Google Maps

“An ancient stone arch reminded Robin of Clerkenwell.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

It’s hard to tell exactly which stone archway Robin noticed, but this entrance to the Warwick Castle would have been on their route.

Google Maps

Here’s another archway that looks into Smith Street where they later walk.

Google Maps

“They passed timber and beam houses, cobbles, steep sloping streets and narrow alleyways.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

Google Maps

“’We’ll go to the Roebuck,’ said Satchwell, when Robin had parked in the market square. ‘It’s been there forever. Oldest pub in town.’” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

“They walked together through the heart of Warwick, Satchwell pointing out such landmarks as he deemed worth looking at. He was one of those men who felt a need to touch, tapping Robin unnecessarily upon the arm to draw her attention, grasping her elbow as they crossed the street, and generally assuming a proprietorial air over her as they wove their way toward Smith Street.”

Smith Street:

Google Maps

“’D’you mind?’ asked Satchwell, as they drew level with Picturesque Art Supplies, and without waiting for an answer he led her into the shop where, as he selected brushes and oils, he talked with an airy self-importance of modern trends in art and the stupidity of critics.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

Visit the website for Picturesque Art Supplies here!

Google Maps

“At last, they made it into the Roebuck Inn, a low-beamed pub with a sign of a deer’s head hanging outside, and secured a table for two toward the read of the pub.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

Google Maps
Google Maps

“Robin couldn’t help but notice the coincidence: the wall behind Satchwell was dotted with horned animal heads, including a stuffed deer and bronze-colored models of an antelope and a ram.”


“Even the menus had silhouettes of antler stag head upon them.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47


“The food arrived: Satchwell’s steak and chips looked appetizing, but Robin, who’d been too busy concentrating on her questions, hadn’t read the small print on the menu. Expecting a plate of salad, she received a wooden platter bearing various ramekins containing hot sausage slices, hummus and a sticky mess of mayonnaise coated leaves, a challenging assortment to eat while taking notes.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

While this is a different order than Robin’s meal, here’s an example of the wooden platters used at The Roebuck Inn:


After what was, to Robin, a very successful interview that ended in Satchwell calling her a, “nasty little bitch” Satchwell left Robin alone at the Roebuck.

“Robin’s heart rate was barely raised. Her dominant emotion was elation. Pushing aside her unappetizing ramekins aside, she pulled the little metal bucket he’d left behind toward her, and finished the artist’s chips.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 47

You can visit The Roebuck’s website here or find them on the map below.