After Robin is attacked and knifed in Catford, a bystander calls an ambulance and she is taken to the Accident & Emergency Department of University Hospital in Lewisham. Strike takes a cab to the hospital and is directed by the receptionist to Robin’s cubicle (Career of Evil, Chapter 52).

Strike sits beside Robin and they discuss the attack and how she got away from her assailant. Robin is hungry and Strike offers her a Twix he finds in his pocket, but the nurse stops her from eating it as she’s going to surgery. They are then interrupted by a very angry DI Carver, accompanied by DS Vanessa Ekwensi. Robin is taken for an X-ray, and Strike and Carver have an extremely heated argument. As Strike is leaving, he bumps into Matthew.
In the street outside the hospital Strike has an encounter with a small boy and his mother who are carrying a bunch of daffodils. It is this encounter which triggers an idea in Strike’s mind which is instrumental in solving the case.

You can find University Hospital Lewisham on the map below:
Address: Lewisham High Street, London SE13 6LH