The Ink Black Heart TV Locations – Episode 2

These are the known filming locations, in the order they appear, for Episode 2 of Strike: The Ink Black Heart.

Highgate Cemetery

The Episode opens with Robin, in her ‘Jessica Robins’ disguise, walking towards the entrance to the West Side of Highgate Cemetery.  The scenes in the cemetery were filmed on 21st and 22nd March 2024.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

She then walks through the gate and joins a tour group walking up the stairs at the back of the courtyard and the group has a conversation at the top of the stairs on Colonnade Path.  The tour guide is a real Highgate Cemetery guide, John Waite.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

Robin speaks to another member of the group (Rebecca Ineson) about the Ink Black Heart as they walk up Main Drive.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

Robin stops following the tour to call Murphy when she notices the grave with the pelican motif.  This is the gravestone of Baroness de Munck and is the same one mentioned in the book.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

After speaking to Murphy, Robin leaves the path and heads towards the de Munck grave.  The next scene of Robin walking amongst the gravestones and bumping into Pez Pierce (James Nelson-Joyce) was filmed further back into the cemetery, just off Fielding Path.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

Pez and Robin then walk back onto Main Drive by the de Munck grave and then turn left onto Cuttings Road.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

Kidderpore Avenue

Pez leaves, and Robin phones Midge.  

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

 Midge is watching North Grove (Craxton Studios) disguised an engineer working on a junction box on Kidderpore Avenue.

Google Streetview

Highgate Cemetery

Strike and Robin interview Josh (Jacob Abraham) in hospital, and we see a flashback to Josh arriving at Highgate Cemetery to meet with Edie on the day of the attacks. 

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

 The Upcotts

The house used as the Upcott residence is 11 Barnmead Road in Beckenham, Kent.  All scenes at this house were filmed in the first week of the shoot, from 12th to 16th February 2024.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

Strike and Robin knock on the door which is opened by Gus (Jack Donoghue).  Katya (Emma Fielding) appears and they head upstairs.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

The Flask, Highgate

In the book The Ink Black Heart, Strike interviews Philip Ormand (Luke Norris) in The Flask in Highgate, and they used the same pub to film this scene.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

They sit at the table to the left of the front door and talk.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

Ormond leaves the pub and heads for his car.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV
Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

The Wrestlers, Highgate

Pez takes ‘Jessica Robins’ for a drink at The Wrestlers, North Road, Highgate.  This is a different pub from the book, in which they visit The Gatehouse, also in Highgate.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

They sit at a table in the bay window.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV

Robin pretends to head to the ladies so she can text Strike.

Credit: BBC/Brontё Film & TV