Seb Montgomery

Seb Montgomery went to art school with Josh Blay and helped Josh and Edie animate the first couple of episodes of the cartoon, before Josh and Edie decided they didn’t need him anymore (ch 6). Edie tells Robin that she believes Seb is Anomie, since she remembers telling him something that Anomie later tweeted about (ch 6).  

Seb is described as ‘medium height, skinny, neatly groomed beard, dark hair cut long on top and cropped at the sides’. He works in digital effects on Newman Street in Fitzrovia and is living with his girlfriend (ch 21).

When the agency takes the Anomie, case they put Seb under surveillance. Strike follows him to the Red Lion and Sun pub in Highgate, where he meets with Nils de Jong, Tim Ashcroft and Wally Cardew (ch 21), and Dev follows him and his friends to a bar called Opium in Chinatown (ch 27).