Strike and Robin meet up on Sans Walk in Clerkenwell to interview Betty Fuller at her retirement home, Priory House.
“Sans Walk was a narrow pedestrianized one-way street. Strike parked his BMW as close to it as possible. The day was surprisingly warm, in spite of a good amount of cloud. As he approached Sans Walk, he saw Robin waiting for him at the entrance.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 56
“‘Hi,’ she said. ‘It’s up the other end, that red-brick modern building with the circular tower thing on top.'” Troubled Blood, Chapter 56

“Priory House was a modern multi-level building with a shared garden at the back.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 56

Robin eventually leaves Strike to interview a very feisty Betty Fuller and waits for him outside.
“Robin was leaning against a nearby wall, reading something off her phone, when Strike emerged from the building.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 56
Possibly this wall, which is right across the street from the entrance.

Find Priory House on the map below: