In Chapter 48, Strike drives to King’s Lynn to interview Kea Niven at home, even though she has asked him not to come.
“Strike didn’t much mind his first glimpse of a windmill, or the change in landscape to wide flat fens and marshland.”

“His satnav led him through a series of nondescript side streets until he emerged on a concrete quay bordering the Great Ouse, a muddy-looking river that ran right past the Nivens’ house.“

“[He] then walked along South Quay to the Nivens’ house and pressed the doorbell.”
The book provides little detail about the Nivens’ house. There are very few houses on South Quay – most buildings are business premises, derelict warehouses or flats. These two houses at 8 and 10 South Quay are the most likely candidates, with the Nivens living at number 10 on the right and their neighbour, the provider of the handkerchief, in number 8 on the left.

After talking to Sara and arranging to meet Kea in The Maids Head, Strike is leaving when Sara’s large white umbrella cockatoo attacks him, leaving a bleeding gash above his eye.

After he leaves the Nivens’ house, Strike drives to the Tuesday Market Place to meet with Kea.
“The large square he entered a few minutes later was bordered on all sides with many fine buildings, including banks and hotels. There was no market there today, and the central space was full of parked cars.”

“The Maids Head, a squat pub of dark brick, stood right beside the larger and grander Duke’s Head.“

Strike goes into the pub and orders a non-alcoholic beer. Kea joins him and they sit down at a table for two.

Strike interviews Kea, who claims that Edie Ledwell stole her ideas for the Ink Black Heart cartoon. She refers to the black heart painted on the building outside, which is supposed to mark the spot where Margaret Reed’s heart, in 1590, burst out of her body and hit the wall while she was being burnt at the stake for being a witch. Kea claims she told Josh Blay this, and that he must have told Edie, who then went on to create the character of Harty.

During the interview, Kea tells Strike she feels dizzy and grabs onto the table so as not to fall off her chair. Strike suspects she may be exaggerating her symptoms, but doesn’t pass judgment, since it was only what he had done in Sara Niven’s home shortly before, when he had asked to sit down, making sure his prosthesis was visible.

Strike goes to the toilet in The Maids Head.

Kea cuts the interview short, gets up and leaves the pub using her stick.
You can find these locations on the map here: