Harley Street

Harley Street is famously known, in the real world, for being the location of a large number of medical organizations, hospitals and clinics. It is the street where King George VI’s speech therapist, Lionel Logue, had his speech-defect practice, at number 146.

In Lethal White, Strike, Robin and Hutchins have all taken turns conducting surveillance on Harley Street, with its “grand Victorian facades,” to watch a cosmetic surgeon they’ve dubbed Dodgy Doc.

“Strike, who was wearing his best Italian suit for the job, took up a position near the doorway of a building opposite and pretended to be talking on his mobile, actually keeping watch over the entrance of the expensive consulting rooms of two partners, one of whom was Strike’s client.” (Lethal White, Chapter 4)

Harley Street features again in sixth novel, The Ink Black Heart. It is where the character Gus Upcott goes for dermatology appointments. Robin follows Gus from Harley Street to Fischer’s restaurant.

Find Harley Street on the map below:

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