A couple weeks before Christmas, Strike and Robin meet up with Oonagh Kennedy for an interview at the café in Fortum & Mason.

“Robin got off the Tube at Piccadilly Circus and walked in a strong wind up Piccadilly, beneath swaying Christmas lights, wondering where she might find a baby present for Stephen and Jenny.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 23
Piccadilly Circus Tube Station:

Piccadilly Street where Robin walked (minus the swaying Christmas lights).

Here is an overhead route of Robin’s walk to Fortnum & Mason. Note that Franco’s is nearby, which you’ll remember from Lethal White as where Strike last saw Charlotte.

“Having passed no appropriate shops, she arrived outside Fortnum & Mason with an hour to spare before the projected meeting with Oonagh Kennedy.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 23

“The ornate frontage was duck-egg blue and the windows, dressed for Christmas, some of the most beautiful in the city. Robin peered through clear circles of glass surrounded by artificial snow, at heaps of jewel-like crystallized fruits, silk scarves, gilded tea canisters, and wooden nutcrackers shaped like fairy-tale princes. A gust of particularly cold, rain-flecked wind whipped at her, and, without conscious thought, Robin allowed herself to be swept inside the sumptuous seasonal fantasy, through a door flanked by a doorman in an overcoat and top hat.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 23
Here is a photo from 2019 of Fortnum & Mason’s Christmas outside decorations.

“The store was carpeted in scarlet. Everywhere were mountains of duck-egg blue packaging.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 23

Robin goes to the third floor to buy a present for her new baby niece, Annabel.
“The small selection of children’s goods available were, in Robin’s view, exorbitantly priced, but as Annabel’s only aunt, and only London-based relative, she felt a certain pressure to give a suitably metropolitan gift. Accordingly, she purchased a large, cuddly Paddington bear.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 23
There are a few different Paddington Bear options on the Fortnum & Mason site, ranging from £20 to £80. Robin likely went for something like this: https://www.fortnumandmason.com/cuddly-paddington-bear-2012003
Strike enters the store from the Duke Street entrance and meets up with Robin.

Strike and Robin head up to the café and wait for Oonagh Kennedy to arrive.
“The café was reached by a flight of stairs that placed it on a higher level than the shop floor, which it overlooked.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 24

“Once he and Robin had sat down at a table for four by the window, Strike sat silently looking down into Jermyn Street, where passers-by were reduced to moving mushrooms, eclipsed by their umbrellas. He was a stone’s throw from the restaurant in which he’d last seen Charlotte.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 24

You can visit the Fortnum & Mason website here or find it on the map below: