Exmouth Market

Exmouth Market is a street in Clerkenwell in the borough of Islington. It is a pedestrianised street market with stalls, shops and cafes with outdoor seating.

Mentioned in The Silkworm is also the church of Our Most Holy Redeemer opposite the Exmouth Arms pub.

Strike goes to Exmouth Market in chapter 6 to meet Christian Fisher of Crossfire publishing. The street reminds Strike of Cornwall but with the absence of salt air and seagulls.

Christian Fisher’s office is through a non-descript door next to a bakery. The only bakery currently in Exmouth Market is Gail’s.

On meeting Fisher, we first learn than Cormoran Strike is named after the Cornish giant Cormoran of St Michael’s Mount.

In his office, Fisher calls Bigley Hall, ruling out the writer’s retreat as a potential location for Owen Quine’s whereabouts. Fisher tells Strike about Bombyx Mori, and it’s also the first time we learn of suspects Andrew Fancourt and Daniel Chard.

Exmouth Market is named after the Exmouth Arms pub and most of the buildings date back to the 19th century. The street has been a market since the 1890s.