In Chapter 59, Strike is on surveillance on the Toy Boy case. He has followed their client’s mother and her much younger boyfriend to the Jean-Georges restaurant in the Connaught Hotel.

The Connaught is a five star hotel in the middle of Mayfair.

Jean-Georges is one of several restaurants and bars in the Connaught.

‘Strike’s eyes roamed over the chattering lunchers, the stained-glass windows and tasteful grey upholstery.’ (Chapter 59)

After seeing his targets order food, Strike orders a chicken salad. This is the current selection of salads available at the restaurant.

Strike positions his camera glasses on the table to record his surveillance targets, and begins to read the news on his phone. He reads a story about Charlotte’s arrest for assaulting her boyfriend, Landon Dormer.
As his chicken salad arrives, Leonard Heaton calls. Strike arranges to interview him and his wife at their home in Cromer when they return from Spain. He is then approached by a mystery woman who claims to recognise him.

The Connaught is located here: