In the Lethal White epilogue, Strike and Robin meet up for lunch with Izzy Chiswell and Billy Knight at No. Fifty Cheyne to close the final chapter on the Chiswell case. “Rain was pattering against the Cheyne Walk Brasserie’s high windows, competing with Serge Gainsbourg as he crooned ‘Black Trombone’ from the speakers.” While Strike and Robin visit the Brasserie on a terribly rainy day, the below photo of the restaurant’s exterior is accompanied by a lovely blue sky.

“Strike and Robin, who had arrived together, had only just sat down when Izzy, who had chosen the restaurant for its proximity to her flat, arrived in a slightly disheveled flapping of Burberry trench coat and sodden umbrella…” (Lethal White, Epilogue) You can see a map below just how close No. Fifty Cheyne is to Izzy’s place on Upper Cheyne Row.

“’Quite pretty, isn’t it?’ she said, inviting them to admire the Provencal restaurant which Strike had thought, as he entered, had a feeling of Izzy’s flat about it, translated into French. Here was the same conservative mix of traditional and modern: black and white photographs hung on stark white walls, chairs and benches covered in scarlet and turquoise leather, and old-fashioned bronze and glass chandeliers with rose-coloured lampshades.” (Lethal White, Epilogue)
The below photo, which was taken from Visit London, shows the interior that Izzy is so fond of.

Billy orders a soup, “which was all he seemed to have felt confident ordering,” Izzy and Robin both order quinoa salads, and Strike orders a rib-eye with chips. Robin later teases him, “You just ate half a potato field and most of a cow.” No. Fifty Cheyne has a great website and social media accounts where you can see lovely photos of the restaurant and their delicious-looking food. You can link to their site here.

Find No. Fifty Cheyne on the map below.