Denmark Street, where Strike’s office is located, is near Charing Cross Road and Tottenham Court Road. These major thoroughfares are mentioned frequently in the series, usually in regard to the massive roadworks taking place near their junction.
All the fuss in this area has to do with the building of the Crossrail – a major new rail line under development that will run beneath the vicinity.

Here are a couple of major mentions of the construction….
“The junction of Tottenham Court and Charing Cross Roads was still a scene of devastation, with wide gashes in the road, white hardboard tunnels and hard-hatted builders. Strike traversed the narrow walkways barricaded by metal fences, past the rumbling diggers full of rubble, bellowing workmen and more drills, smoking as he walked.” – The Cuckoo’s Calling, Part 3, Chapter 9
“The everlasting roadworks around Tottenham Court Road station had obstructed Robin’s walk to work ever since she had started at the private detective agency in Denmark Street.” – Career of Evil, Chapter 2
Here’s the massive worksite located at Charing Cross Road and (what was once) Denmark Place….

And here’s a brief, uneventful view inside the nearby Tottenham Court Road tube station….

More mentions of these major roads:
In The Cuckoo’s Calling:
“Still smoking, he looked out at Charing Cross Road, glittering with car lights and puddles, where Friday-night revellers were striding and lurching past the end of Denmark Street, umbrellas wobbling, laughter ringing above traffic.” – Part 3, Chapter 1
Strike had shouted, in his drunken state, to the whole of Charing Cross Road, that Charlotte did not love Jago Ross.
In The Cuckoo’s Calling, Strike walks past the Dominion Theatre on Tottenham Court Road on his way to The Tottenham pub after leaving Robin in the office on her first day as secretary. There was a statue of Freddie Mercury outside the Theatre, though it has now been removed.

In The Silkworm:
“Finally, he pulled on his overcoat and walked, in what was now a downpour, down a sodden, dark Charing Cross Road to buy food at the nearest supermarket. There had been too many takeaways lately.” – Chapter 7
In Career of Evil:
“Fighting her way through the rubble on Tottenham Court Road on Monday morning, Robin mentally relived the argument of the previous day.” – Chapter 2
“’You know… I saw a big bloke in a beanie hat somewhere yesterday, too… yeah, he was in a doorway on Tottenham Court Road. His face was in shadow, though.’” – Robin, Chapter 21
Tempest met Kelsey at Café Rouge on Tottenham Court Road before the events of Career of Evil. – Chapter 43
In the TV Series
In episode 1 of Strike – Career of Evil, Robin is seen walking up Tottenham Court Road while tailing Platinum, who enters the strip club Spearmint Rhino where she works.

If you’d like to brave the endless major roadworks, you can find the Charing Cross Road/Tottenham Court Road area here: