On finding out the identity of one of the Drek’s Game moderators and arranging a meeting over Twitter, Strike and Robin set off for Meanwood Park in Leeds, stopping off at Cambridge Services on the way.
On arrival, they find the entrance to Meanwood Park by the Three Cottages Cafe and park in the small car park.
Robin immediately sets off to find the meeting place, while Strike waits for her in the cafe.
As instructed, on entering the park, Robin takes the right-hand pathway and walks with a view of a wide expanse of grass and surrounding trees.
She approaches the bridge of broken slabs and crosses it.
At the other side of the stream, she sees the tree with the two boulders on either side.
A little farther on, she finds the bench with the plaque bearing the name Janet Martin (“Loved Yorkshire. Loved Life. Was Loved.”) and waits.
Robin imagines that the bench is probably used by teen drinkers for some privacy away from parents and the people on the grass on the other side of the stream.
Robin’s interviewee approaches slowly from the other side of the stream before crossing the stone slabs to meet her at the bench.
Meanwhile in the Three Cottages Cafe, Strike is resisting the temptation to order himself a scone.
After the interview, Robin meets Strike back in the cafe. She fills him in on the interview before they set off for Cambridge.
You can visit the Three Cottages Cafe’s website here: threecottagescafe.co.uk
And you can find Meanwood Park on the map below: