Giles Harmon

Giles Harmon is an author and a member of the Universal Humanitarian Church. As a celebrity member, he donates funds and promotes the Church; and the accommodation offered to him is much more comfortable than that offered to ordinary members.  The celebrity members are also free to come and go as they please.

Giles Harmon is first mentioned in the prologue which contains an excerpt of an interview he undertook with Clicklit Magazine in February 2015.  In the interview, Harmon states that he will be donating all the royalties from his latest novel ‘One Holy Dawn’ to the UHC. He also states that it is ‘pure nonsense’ when asked if the Church is a cult (Prologue).

Robin first sees Giles Harmon on her second visit to the UHC’s Rupert Court Temple. He is described as ‘a short man who wore his silver hair dandyishly long’ … ‘with fine, almost delicate, features’ (Chapter 19).

Robin also sees Giles Harmon several times at Chapman Farm; Strike comes across him when he attends the UHC SuperService at Olympia.