The Three Kings

The Three Kings in Clerkenwell is the pub where, on 11th October 1974, Margot Bamborough was supposed to be meeting her friend Oonagh Kennedy after work, but disappeared after leaving the medical practice on St. John’s Lane.

The Three Kings in 2014 (

The pub is situated on Clerkenwell Close, a curved street that rises to Saint James’s Church, which is described as large and impressive.

After taking the route Margot was supposed to have taken from St. John’s Lane, Strike and Robin go to the Three Kings pub for a drink and to discuss the case.

“The pub’s curved, tiled exterior wall mirrored the bend in the road.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 14.

The Three Kings in 2008 (

“Most of the walls were papered in pages from old music papers dating back to the seventies: a jumble of reviews, adverts for old stereo systems and pictures of pop and rock stars. Hallowe’en decorations hung over the bar, Bowie and Bob Marley looking down from framed prints, and Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix looked back at them from the opposite wall.” Troubled Blood, Chapter 14

Strike orders a pint of Sussex Best and a wine for Robin and joins her at a table for two. They discuss the Bamborough case and look through the case notes.

If you fancy a pint of Sussex Best or a glass of wine, you can find The Three Kings on the map below.

Troubled Blood Locations