“No investigation had ever brought Strike so reliably back to the same small patch of London. The taxi disgorged him onto the gently sloping pavement of St. James’s Street a few hours later, with the red brick St. James Palace ahead and Pratt’s on Park Place to his right.” (Lethal White, Chapter 49)
Strike first visits St. James’s Street on his way to meet his new potential client, Jasper Chiswell.
“He turned right into St. James’s Street, which led him in a gentle slope straight down to the sixteenth-century St. James’s Palace.” (Lethal White, Chapter 9)
The below photo is taken near the corner of St. James’s Street and Park Place where Pratt’s is located. You can see a “line of cream-painted townhouses leading off St. James’s Street.” (Lethal White, Chapter 9)

St. James’s Palace was built for Henry VIII in 1531–1536. It is still the home of some of the members of the Royal Family today, including Princess Beatrice and Princess Alexandra and is the meeting place of the Accession Council. You can learn more about St. James’s Palace here.
“He was once again facing the crenelated frontage of St. James’s Palace, its gilded diamond-shaped clock gleaming in the early evening sun.” (Lethal White, Chapter 29)

Later on, we see St. James’s Palace again when Strike and Robin attend the Paralympian Reception with the Chiswell’s at Lancaster House.
“Chiswell’s Mercedes turned the corner of St. James’s Street onto Pall Mall and set off along Cleveland Row.” (Lethal White, Chapter 32)
Pall Mall:

Cleveland Row:

From St. James’s Street, this is the route that Chiswell’s car took onto Pall Mall and a quick turn onto Cleveland Row.

Find St. James’s Palace on the map below: