Strike Statistics

Here is a page showing some Strike statistics for the books so far.

Fans’ Favourite Book

This is an ongoing poll. Which is your favourite Strike book?

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Shits Per Book and Shit Density

Here is a bar chart showing the number of times per book that the word “shit” was mentioned. This includes shitting, shitty, bullshit, dipshit, apeshit, shitheads, etc..

There are a lot of shits in The Ink Black Heart!

The Shit Density (shits per 100 pages) is still highest for The Ink Black Heart.

Fucks Per Book and Fuck Density

Here is a bar chart showing the number of times per book that the word “fuck” was mentioned. This includes fucking, motherfuckers and fuckwits.

Though The Ink Black Heart has the most fucks, taking page count into consideration, the Fuck Density is highest for The Cuckoo’s Calling, with Lethal White at a close second.

Bastards Per Book

Here is a bar chart showing the number of times per book when the word “bastard” was mentioned.

The number of bastards peaked in Career of Evil, and it was also the most bastard-dense book.

Total Shits, Fucks and Bastards Per Book

Here is a bar chart showing total number of “shits”, “fucks” and “bastards” mentioned per book.

The Ink Black Heart is the winner for total number of shits, fucks, and bastards, with The Cuckoo’s Calling coming in at second place. However, taking page count into consideration, The Cuckoo’s Calling is the overall winner for shits, fucks and bastards density.

Cups of Tea Drunk Per Book

Who Makes the Tea?

Here is a pie chart showing the proportion of teas made by Strike for Robin and by Robin for Strike. (Books 1-5)

Strike needs to start making more cups of tea for Robin!

More Strike stats coming soon…